December 13, 2020
The teacher house is in good shape. Manyumba recently received heavy winds and rain. A church and resource center were damaged, but the teacher house survived unscathed.

May 2, 2020

November 8, 2018
Handover ceremony for the teacher house.

November 8, 2018
400 people celebrated the opening of the teacher house at Chisawani Primary School in Manyumba Village. The guest of honor was Mr. Hapala, a government official from the district education office. The celebration included traditional dances, poems, dramatic comedy, and speeches. Organizers announced that Simon Dailesi, Deputy Principal at Chisawani Primary School, will reside in the house with his family. In addition to helping Mr. Dailesi and his family, the teacher house will make faculty members more accessible to the community, promote evening classes, and improve school security.

November 4, 2018
The teacher's house is now 100% done. The preparations for the handover ceremony will soon follow.