Project complete!
Balakasi wants to build a nursery school to solve a persistent problem involving early childhood education.
Community Problem: Parents in Balakasi Village work long days on remote farms, making it difficult for them to supervise and educate their young children. Consequently, children receive very little formal education before the age of five.
Community Solution: Balakasi will construct a small nursery school that will serve as a daycare and pre-school education facility. The school will provide a safe and educational environment for kids! After building the nursery school and stocking it with materials like a blackboard, chalk and books, community members will hire a teacher and pay that teacher with contributions provided by parents of children in attendance. The community has raised 5% of the project cost in cash (about $100) and will contribute labor, cement, bricks and sand to make it happen!
Partners: National Peace Corps Association
Outcome: a nursery school for the village