Village X | Same-Day Project Updates
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Last Update: June 8, 2024
Provide Clean Water in Humbo
June 8, 2024
Humbo Village has a borehole! Due to a pipe shortage in Malawi, there was a slight delay between drilling of the well and installation of the piping and pumping components. That said, the borehole is currently in use, providing clean water to the community.
Build a Solar Station in Chipande
June 8, 2024
Chipande Village has a solar charger! The community is already engaging in revenue-generating activities that feed off the solar charger, such as theaters, barbershops, and charging of LED lights and phones.
Build a Solar Station in Jalifu
June 8, 2024
Jalifu Village has a solar charger! The community is busy setting up revenue-generating activities that feed off the solar charger, such as theaters, barbershops, and charging of LED lights and phones. Small structures under construction (see pics) will house those businesses.
Build a Solar Station in Chimbalanga
June 8, 2024
Chimbalanga Village has a solar charger! The community is busy setting up revenue-generating activities that feed off the solar charger, such as theaters, barbershops, and charging of LED lights and phones.
Start a Goat Herd in Chipandah
June 6, 2024
Chipandah Village received its goat herd. In all, 50 families received a goat. They will care for the goats and share offspring throughout the community. This is a particularly important time to have livestock assets given inflation and food insecurity present in the village.