Project complete!
Mtendere wants to build a teacher's house at the community's primary school to solve a persistent problem.
Community Problem: Mtendere Primary School was established in the 1970s. The school currently has 14 teachers. Yet, 11 of them rent homes in the surrounding villages instead of living next to campus. Some teachers cycle 5 to 6 killometers to and from school, which increases teacher absenteeeism. When teachers miss school due to commuting difficulties, which is not an uncommon occurence, students suffer in terms of less education and lower test scores.
Community Solution: Build more teacher houses. This project will assist a teacher and his/her family. It will also build capacity in a community that has organized this project and invested its resources to provide labor, materials, and 10% in cash (about $250).
Partners: National Peace Corps Association
Outcome: a house for a primary school teacher and his family