Here's a similar project.
Chiyuni wants a herd of goats to solve persistent problems caused by poverty. Most residents live on less than $1.25 per day.
Community Problem: Chiyuni Village is very poor. Farmers grow cassava in poor soils and just for subsistence, not for sale. Business activity is limited due to lack of investment financing 💴. Chiyuni wants to use goat 🐐 farming to boost incomes and provide investment financing for other businesses. Goats will also help residents pay for everyday needs, such as paying school fees, and buying clothes and other school supplies, for their children.
Community Solution: Raise a herd of 35 goats. Breed the goats over time to expand the herd and share billygoats throughout the community. Livestock in general is a driver of increased income in rural communities, and mature goats fetch good money on the open market. This project will build capacity in a community that has invested its resources to cover labor, materials, and 10% in cash.
Partners: National Peace Corps Association
Outcome: livestock assets for the entire village