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Yelemiya wants a herd of goats to solve persistent problems caused by poverty. Most residents live on less than $1.25 per day.
Community Problem: Yelemiya Village is located near Vinthukutu Forest in Northern Malawi 🇲🇼. Residents grow cassava and groundnuts, but have trouble advancing economically. Residents believe that goat 🐐farming offers a path out of poverty. Politicians and other organizations have promised Yelemiya help with goat farming, and have even collected registration fees from residents 💴, but nothing has come to fruition. The chief of Yelemiya believes that Village X will deliver.
Community Solution: Raise a herd of 35 goats. Breed the goats over time to expand the herd and share billygoats throughout the community. Livestock in general is a driver of increased income in rural communities, and mature goats fetch good money on the open market. This project will build capacity in a community that has invested its resources to cover labor, materials, and 10% in cash.
Partners: National Peace Corps Association
Outcome: livestock assets for the entire village