Maloya Village used $2500 in September, 2020 to Build a Market. This project helped 1933 people across 400 households. Maloya contributed 10% ($250), materials, and labor.

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Maloya wants to build a market shelter to promote business.

Community Problem: Maloya's market is the business center of Maloya, Chilonga, and Makunula Villages. Merchants from these villages do business in Maloya on market and non-market days. However, bad weather (sun and rainfall) currently damage commodities at Maloya's market because vendors do business out in the open, exposed to the elements. For example, Judith Meya brought a large quantity of tomatoes to Maloya, but, after three days of continuous rain, half of her inventory was destroyed. This affected her family for about 2 two months in terms of reduced food supply and lack of money for clothing and school fees. Judith has two children who attend secondary school.

Community Solution: Build a market shelter and invite vendors and customers to do business under a roof. The market shelter will allow more businesses to sell more things on more days of the week, leaving more money in the pockets of local residents.

Partners: National Peace Corps Association

Outcome: a market shelter for the village

Jun 2019
Project Posted
Jun 2019
Village Raises Cash Contribution
Jan 2020
Project Funded
Sep 2020
Project Completed
Field Officer Myson Jambo

Email: myson@villagex.org
Phone Number:

Share Maloya's Story

Cost Breakdown







Change in Development Score:
Maloya Village v. Control Villages
Dollars Invested in Projects in
Maloya Village (cumulative)

Change in Health Burden:
Maloya Village v. Control Villages
*Scores based on # of waterborne illnesses, malaria cases, maternal deaths, and infant deaths per capita.
Change in Local Education:
Maloya Village v. Control Villages
*Scores based on school enrollment and national exam passage rates per capita.
Change in Business Activity:
Maloya Village v. Control Villages
*Scores based on # of agriculural and non-agricultural village businesses per capita.
Change in Lifestyle Upgrades:
Maloya Village v. Control Villages
*Scores based on # of roofs with iron sheets, TVs, motorcycles, and smartphones per capita.
Change in Agricultural Production:
Maloya Village v. Control Villages
*Scores based on # of 60 kg bags of maize produced per capita.
Change in Livestock Holdings:
Maloya Village v. Control Villages
*Scores based on # of goats and cows per capita.
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