Project complete!
Mpochera wants to build a proper nursery school to solve a persistent problem involving early childhood education.
Community Problem: Mpochera Village is located in a remote area where access to public facilities is a problem. Mpochera has a large number of nursery school-aged children without a proper space to learn. The community currently runs a makeshift nursery school out of a local church. Mpochera has bricks to build a proper nursery school but lacks the building materials to complete the job.
Community Solution: Mpochera will construct a nursery school that will serve as a daycare and pre-school education facility. The school will provide a safe and educational environment for kids! After building the nursery school and stocking it with materials like a blackboard, chalk and books, community members will hire a teacher and pay that teacher with contributions provided by parents of children in attendance. The community has raised 10% of the project cost in cash (over $200) and will contribute labor, cement, bricks and sand to make it happen!
Partners: National Peace Corps Association
Outcome: a proper nursery school for the village