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Sosola wants to provide better healthcare for children under the age of 5.
Community Problem: Sosola wants to provide better health care for children under the age of 5. Kids in that age range in rural Malawi are particularly vulnerable to health challenges (e.g., malnutrition, malaria). Sosola struggles with under-five healthcare because it is 7 kilometers from the nearest health center. Many parents have difficulty making the journey to the health center, resulting in large numbers of kids who miss vaccinations and fail to access treatment for malnutrition. The health center sends a health worker to Sosola on a regular basis to operate an under-five clinic, but the village doesn't have a proper building for the clinic, so the health worker treats patients under a tree 🌳. This is a major challenge during the rainy season. In addition to improving the health of small children, the requested clinic will serve as a resource center for meetings, trainings, and workshops.
Community Solution: Build an under-five clinic in Sosola. The community has bricks 🧱, but needs iron sheets, cement, and other building materials to construct the clinic.
Partners: National Peace Corps Association
Outcome: an under-five medical clinic for the entire village