Mwanga Village used $2000 in October, 2016 to Build a Teacher House. This project helped 2438 people across 241 households. Mwanga contributed 5% ($100), materials, and labor. Partner Friends of Malawi also made a generous financial contribution.

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Mwanga wants to build a teacher's house at the community's primary school to solve a persistent problem.

Community Problem: Mwanga has trouble attracting qualified teachers. This is because the primary school lacks adequate teacher housing, with only 7 teacher's houses for 18 teachers. Teachers who don't get a house at school are forced to rent a house in the surrounding community and often travel great distances to and from school, typically on a bicycle. This increases teacher absenteeism and lowers teacher morale. To avoid this hassle, many good teachers seek assignments at schools with abundant teacher housing.

Community Solution: Build more teacher's houses. This project will assist not only a teacher and his/her family, but 2,274 youngsters who learn at Namphungo Primary School. It will also build capacity in a community that has organized this project and invested its resources to cover 20% of the overall cost, including 5% in cash.

Partners: National Peace Corps Association & Friends of Malawi

Outcome: housing for an additional teacher and his/her family

Jul 2016
Village Raises Cash Contribution
Jul 2016
Project Posted
Sep 2016
Project Funded
Oct 2016
Project Completed
Field Officer Myson Jambo

Email: myson@villagex.org
Phone Number:

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Cost Breakdown







Change in Development Score:
Mwanga Village v. Control Villages
Dollars Invested in Projects in
Mwanga Village (cumulative)

Change in Health Burden:
Mwanga Village v. Control Villages
*Scores based on # of waterborne illnesses, malaria cases, maternal deaths, and infant deaths per capita.
Change in Local Education:
Mwanga Village v. Control Villages
*Scores based on school enrollment and national exam passage rates per capita.
Change in Business Activity:
Mwanga Village v. Control Villages
*Scores based on # of agriculural and non-agricultural village businesses per capita.
Change in Lifestyle Upgrades:
Mwanga Village v. Control Villages
*Scores based on # of roofs with iron sheets, TVs, motorcycles, and smartphones per capita.
Change in Agricultural Production:
Mwanga Village v. Control Villages
*Scores based on # of 60 kg bags of maize produced per capita.
Change in Livestock Holdings:
Mwanga Village v. Control Villages
*Scores based on # of goats and cows per capita.
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